Saturday, September 12, 2009

Trade winds blowing at SBP

Booboo says trade could be this afternoon. Check the Ottawa Sun for more. Dreger's twitter said Chicago and SJ are frontrunners.


  1. Looking at names flowing freely on Chirpy's site, there could be alot of fleece for BM to line his coat with if any come to fruition.

    If Campbell is involved I think BM will be at the EI office before seasons end.

    The fact that Dreger is spouting something is troubling as him and Mackenzie are about the most credible of media rumour fountains out there.

    3 way? maybe not. But perhaps Daniel will have two options.

    Chicago may have the better package - as long as one name is not synonymous with Soup.

    Blueball pain about to subside?

    I hope so, but please no fleece. Kleenex, mais bien sur.

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